Sunday, August 17, 2008

My continuous quest for organization

Those of you with large families, and even not-so-large families probably can relate to this. In our household, where both parents work, baby comes with me to the office, and kids are in various activities, organization is a MUST to maintain what little sanity we can. As we close in on the first day of school, life will become even more crazy with afterschool activities lasting until early evening, by the time we get to our house its a quick meal, baths, and bedtime for the kiddos. I am always searching for ways to become more organized, some are successful, others... not so much. Meals are probably #1 on the list, I do most of my cooking on Sundays, so we have meal choices all week long. On my continuous quest for organization, in a perfect world we would get out of the house in the morning easily, and end the day without 100 renditions of "I have to go potty", "1 more drink!", "She's TOUCHING me!" :). In the meantime, I will settle for what we've got, and keeping searching for helpful ideas on making life run a little more smoothly.


Heather said...

you have a beautiful family and you look awesome for having 4 beautiful girls!

Heather aka "hotbody" lol

check out my blog :)

Sarah said...

How do you pronounce the word "organization"? I don't think I have ever heard it before...and it seems so scary! I don't like new things, only new babies.

Seriously, the magazine Real Simple has given me some great ideas..not that I have been able to USE any at this point, but they are in the hopper ready and waiting.