Monday, May 4, 2009

Our sweet girls

Some days it seems like we are so busy, that the time between rolling out of bed in the morning and getting back into bed in the evening seems like a blur. Our mornings normally start around 5:30, and we were blessed (??) with children who have no issues getting up early in the morning. Most days we leave the house by 7:00 and between school, and after school activities, some days we don't get home until 7:00 pm. Lately, I've been thinking about how I'm looking forward to when school is out so while our days will start and end around the same time, the girls won't have the added pressure of completing homework, and other school stuff. Last year, with the birth of Bradyn, we decided on no activities for the entire summer. So while having a newborn and 3 other children was busy, it was nice to be on our own schedule. This summer will be different...with the girls doing track and our membership to the aquatic center, but we are looking forward to it. I am looking forward to track, while the older girls have practice a few days a week, I will have the opportunity to get some good use out of the jogging stroller and hang out with the little ones. And, 1.5 hrs of running is great for the making of tired children. :)

I've also been thinking, is how quickly time is going! We are getting ready for more birthday celebrations, as Bradyn turns 1 in exactly 2 weeks, and a month after that Brieyn will turn 3. Derek and I agree that the past year has probably been the longest year in our marriage. Bradyn has presented us with joys as well as challenges, and it's definitely shown me that there are things as a mother than I can definitely work on! There are times when she has shown me how much patience I really do have, even when internally I was sooooo done and desperately wanting to clock out for a good while! So while she officially stays my little baby for 2 more weeks, I will do my best to enjoy every moment...because I know soon enough I'm going to wonder how she grew up so quickly!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Your girls are so beautiful! Time flies when you have so many blessings!